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What I've been up to...

Some of you - those who pay any attention to my FB and IG posts anyway - may have noticed that for the first two weeks of landing in NYC, I was exploring lots and eating my way through the city in between getting hopelessly lost on solo adventures, and it's been fun!

Crazy awesome milkshake at Black Tap (SOHO)!

Crazy awesome milkshake at Black Tap (SOHO)

Super yummy Ramen Burger at Brooklyn Flea (Fort Greene)

Finding Gong Cha in Chinatown -- This is IMPORTANT because it's a necessity.

Trying out Mofongo, a Puerto-Rican dish, at Smorgasburg (Prospect Park)

In our third week here, I got busy with apartment hunting and also started working out three time a week (almost died during my first sesh, but more on that later...) to get back into the shape that I want/like myself to be in, so I haven't had the chance to write about our 29-hour journey from Singapore to NYC. I thought I eventually would get round to it, but the fact is that I'm just not feelin' it.

I took photos and made notes because I was prepared to write about it, but frankly, I was pretty uninspired. Lufthansa was pretty average even in Business Class (I've been so spoilt by Emirates) and it really wasn't that exciting because Justin was all stressed out the entire time, and I was just tired the whole time... And by the time we got to the apartment, we were just relieved that it was all over. I was particularly relieved that Buxley made it alive and kickin' with a few minor scratches from her own doing.

I will say that Lufthansa's animal handlers did a good job and if you're ever transporting your fur-babies across several oceans and continents, definitely choose Lufthansa. We've been told that KLM does a good job too, but we can't vouch for it since we haven't tried it ourselves, and we hopefully won't have to.

Anyway, Fall is FINALLY here but it's been super annoying because it's been drizzling with strong winds the past few days, so the raindrops get blown sideways right into your face as you walk and it feels like someone set the water sprinkler on you... Can't wait for it to dry up a bit so I can enjoy the cool weather without also being wet!

Generally, I'd say that all three of us have adjusted pretty well. Justin has been working at the NYC office for 2 weeks now and he's doing great. Buxley's super happy that I take out on multiple long walks everyday - we go to our favorite Morris Canal Park where she gets to run free on the grass, enjoy the fresh air, and I get to enjoy the view of downtown Manhattan.

Just looking forward to moving into our new apartment for the next year. The good thing about the US is that landlords like one-year leases so if we don't like the place, we can move on after a year!

Anyhoo, I'll update soon with more new and fun things that I've discovered!

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