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Buxley's new favorite park

Since arriving at our new temporary home, we've brought Bux to the dog runs at Van Vorst Park and Hamilton Park, but we weren't too thrilled at either because they were both covered in gravel, and Bux is grass-trained! She just wasn't that enthusiastic about running around, and when she (and other dogs) did, there was a whole lot of dust being stirred up and flung all over the place.

Thankfully, we found a third park - Morris Canal Park - and we're sticking to this one! It's awesome because:

1) It has grass! Yay for Bux!!

2) It's about a 15 to 20-minute walk from temporary apartment, and it's a nice walk lined with nice buildings (for most parts)! Yay for Justin!

3) It's surrounded by water and has an amazing view of downtown Manhattan! Yay for Vanessa and Justin!

Actually that last point is more 'Yay' for me because I bring her there everyday. It's just so nice... The fresh air, the grass and plants, the ducks in the river (and some annoying seagull), the boats passing by... It's just been really refreshing to have that view as often as I want now. I can just sit near the edge of the water, admire the city, and... ponder.

I mean.... That view. Really.

Buxley and her favorite person!

She's happy right? She looks happy. She's happy. Ok good.

Before we left Singapore, I had discussed bringing Bux on the subway after getting inspired by this guy:

But, alas.... EPIC FAIL. Bux hated being in a gym bag (I didn't have a tote that size, and I need to crossbody a 16kg load!!) and I got clawed all over the place for trying. So... *mumbles*

There is a silver lining though! We found another way for me to bring Bux into Manhattan! The answer is: FERRY RIDE!!!

Liberty Landing Ferry Service offers daily rides across the Hudson with return a ticket priced at $14. Best of all, dogs are allowed on board without any additional costs! The ferries leave every half-hour and the boarding point is right next to Morris Canal Park! It's so convenient.

I'll probably take Bux on her Manhattan adventure some time in the coming week and we can meet Justin after work and take the ferry back together. I will update on my experience then!

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